1. Bored-hole/cast-in-place piles 4–10 m long tend to retain a constant value of the unit bearing capacity, irrespective of soil moisture. Driven piles, and piles cast in punched holes, undergo a loss unit bearing capacity (up to 20%) as their length is increased.
2. With the saturation of high-porosity collapsible soils, the unit bearing capacity of bored-hole/cast-in-situ piles up to 10 m long diminishes two to three times, on average. For cast-in-place piles installed in a punched hole, and for driven piles, this reduction ranges up to only 30%. This trend is characteristic of soil layers whose collapsibility properties diminish with depth, from 2–3% to 1–1.5%.
3. The unit bearing capacity of cast-in-place piles installed in punched holes is equal to that of driven piles, both for saturated and dry soil conditions.
4. Following soil compaction, the unit bearing capacity of concrete cast-in-place piles installed in punched holes is higher than for bored-hole/cast-in-place piles, in the ratio of up to 2 for slightly moistened soils and 3–3.5 for saturated soils.
5. All other conditions being equal, the unit bearing capacity is greater for driven piles, and somewhat smaller (by 10–15%) for piles cast in punched holes. The smallest unit bearing capacity is observed in bored-hole/cast-in-place piles (1.5–2 times less than for driven piles).
Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 4, pp. 14–15
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Effect of boring method on bearing capacity of short cast-in-place piles
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1:17 AM
making a low distortion frame construction
A method of making a low distortion frame construction, the construction having joint regions formed by first and second overlapping members defining a lapped interface, the joint regions being comprised of material that can be converted to a solid state deformable plastic condition by friction heat, comprising:
(a) providing a stir friction welding tool having
(i) a rotatable thermally conductive body presenting a shoulder to engage the joint region for storing friction-generated heat, and
(ii) a friction generating pin rotatable with said body about a pin axis and selectively extendable from the shoulder to progressively penetrate the overlapping members as the joint region in contact with the pin becomes plastic;
(b) placing the tool shoulder against the joint region with the pin axis transverse to the lapped interface and spinning the body while progressively extending the pin at a rotational speed effective to generate friction heat that converts the adjacent material of the joint to a plastic condition allowing the spinning of the probe to stir such plastically converted material; and
(c) controlling the depth of penetration of the spinning probe while translating the tool across the joint region to perfect a friction stirred welded zone that extends through the interface and between the overlapping members to provide a welded joint that is exceptionally strong in shea
Diposting oleh
12:46 AM
How construction loans work
Construction loans are story loans. That means that the lender has to know the story behind the planned construction before they're willing to loan you money. Because it's a story loan, it's not going to be standardized like mortgage loans underwritten to Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae guidelines. That said, there are some common features to a construction loan. Construction loans typically require interest-only payments during construction and become due upon completion. Construction loans are usually variable-rate loans priced at a spread to the prime rate or some other short-term interest rate. Many homeowners use construction-to-permanent financing programs where the construction loan is converted to a mortgage loan after the certificate of occupancy is issued. Depending on your view on interest rate trends, you could also purchase a rate-lock agreement valid through the expected completion of the construction. Just make sure you allow for the inevitable construction delays.
A construction loan, unlike a mortgage, isn't meant to be around for a long time. If you're taking out a $200,000 construction loan for six months and you pay an extra 0.5 percent on the loan, it costs you an additional $250. (Assumes an average $100,000 loan balance over a six-month construction period.)
You may be willing to pay a higher rate on the construction loan if you're doing construction-to-permanent financing and can get better mortgage terms or a longer, better rate lock from that lender.
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12:41 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
My Team Project
hanya dengan kebersamaan dan kedisiplinan,Project bisa selesai...
dari depan,kiri kekanan
1. Hari (Bos Supervisor ME dan Entertainment..)
2.Armand (Bos Supervisor )
3.Sunanto (Project manager..)
4.Putu (Bos Engineering)
5.Ihsan (Planner)
6.Punki (Drafter)
7.sugA (Procurement)
dari belakang kiri kekanan
1.Eden (Surveyor)
2.Verly (Mechanic)
3.Adi (Supervisor)
4.Rico (Finance )
5.masta (Me,Blogger)
6.wito (Casheer)
7.purbo (Quantity Survey)
Diposting oleh
2:01 AM
Monday, July 2, 2007
Metode kerja Galian tanah
1.Volume galian tanah ( luas tanah 1.358,5 m2 dengan kedalaman 11.15 m ) = 15.148 M3
2.Volume rata – rata Layer ( dibagi menjadi 4 layer- 3 jalur ground anchor )
= 15.148 / 4
= 3.787 m3 / layer
3.Waktu kerja perlayer sesuai jadwal ditetapkan = 65/4 = 16 hari
4.Sehingga di dapat volume galian tiap layer per hari
= 3.787 / 16
= 236.6 m3
A. Jumlah Backhoe pada saat menggali tiap layer
1.Waktu Kerja rata rata
= pk. 08.00 s/d pk. 22.00 = 12 jam
2.Volume galian = 236.6 x 20% = 296 m3 / layer / hari
3.Kapasitas back hoe pada saat menggali dalam kondisi tanah padat
= 1 m3 per 2,5 menit sehingga didapat = 24 m3/jam
4.Sehingga kapasitas Back hoe tiap hari ( 12 jam )
= 12 x 24 m3 = 288 m3 / hari
5.Keperluan Backhoe untuk pekerjaan galian per zona
= 280 / 295 m3 = 1 unit
B. Jumlah Back hoe pada saat loading tanah
1.Waktu Kerja rata rata ( dilaksanakan setelah pek galian tanah padat)
= pk. 22.00 s/d pk. 04.00 = 6 jam
2.Volume loading tanah = 296.6 m3 / layer / hari
3.Kepasitas back hoe pada saat loading tanah keatas truck
= 1 menit / 0,75 m3 sehingga didapat = 45 m3/jam
4.Sehingga didapat Kapasitas Backhoe pada saat loading ( 6 jam )
= 6 x 45 m3 = 270 m3
Keperluan Backhoe untuk per layer
= 296.6 / 270 m3 = 2 unit
C. Perhitungan Dump Truck tiap Zona
1.Waktu kerja rata rata (Buangan tanah dilaksnakan pada malam hari)
= pk. 22.00 s/d pk. 04.00 = 6 jam
2.Kapasitas Dump truckpada kondisi loose = 12 m3 / truck
3.Jumlah jam dari area proyek ke area buangan ( daerah Muara Karang ) = 4 jam ( PP )
4.Sehingga jumlah TRIP yang dapat dicapai
= 6 / 4 =1,5 Trip
Volume buangan tiap hari = 290 m3 / Layer / hari
a.Jumlah Dump truck yang diperlukan = 296.6 / 12 = 25 unit
b.Jumlah Dump truck tiap hari ( 6 jam ) = 25 / 1,5 = 17 unit / hari
Kebutuhan Tiap Layer ( 290 m3 )
1.Jumlah Back Hoe tiap Layer = 2 bh ( dapat digunakan/didatangkan secara bertahap)
2.Jumlah Dump truck ( kap angkut ± 12 m3 ) = 17 bh
3.Jam kerja
Alat BackHoe pada saat menggali = pk 08.00 s/d 22.00 wib
Alat BackHoe pada saat loading = pk 22.00 s/d 04.00 wib
Alat Dump Truck = pk 22.00 s/d 04.00 wib
4. Waktu kerja = 16 hari
5. Total waktu galian keseluruhan = 65 hari
Diposting oleh
12:50 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
1.Volume = 153 bh
2.Volume / layer = 153 / 3
= 51 bh / layer
1.Waktu Kerja rata rata
= pk. 08.00 s/d pk. 18.00 = 10 jam
2.Kapasitas Drilling alat Ground Anchor / hari = 2 bh
3.Waktu pelaksanaan = 55 hari
4.Volume ground anchore per hari = 153/ 55 = 3.14 bh
Keperluan alat driling = 3.14 / 2 = 1.5 ~ 2 unit
1. Waktu Kerja rata rata
= pk. 08.00 s/d pk. 18.00 = 10 jam
2. Kapasitas alat stressing / hari = 4 bh
3. Waktu pelaksanaan = 40 hari
4. Volume ground anchore per hari = 153/ 40 = 3.9 bh
Keperluan alat stressing = 3.9 / 4 = ~ 1 unit
Diposting oleh
10:20 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Semua berawal dari tanah
Awal dari sebuah proyek dimulai dari tanah,dari tanah semua akan bersandar,akan berpijak,kita pun manusia adalah berasal dari tanah..gak percaya?coba anda gosokkan tangan anda ke bagian lengan dalam,sehabis berkeringat maka anda akan mendapatkan sebulir tanah hitam...
Hanya dengan ijin Nya semua proyek akan selesai...
Diposting oleh
6:13 AM
Monday, June 4, 2007
ya proyek emang banyak romantika,aku hanya ingin membagi romansa yang ada,sambil nyari inspirasi (kayak pujangga aja ya..),sambil nunggu proyekku selesai...aku hanyalah staff di sebuah proyek Adhikarya...aku ingin coba menulis, ya menulis apa aja ttg proyekku yang sedang aku kerjakan..(bareng..ama temen2 and my boss..)..
aku bekerja di bagian engineering/bagian kantor..,bagian pengendalian biaya dan waktu..(dan lain2..)..pokoknya selalu berhubungan dengan komputer..
kadang aku juga mikir,apa pantes aku disebut orang proyek..wong aku jarang kepanasan...
kata temen2 kampusku dulu, aku gak pantes di proyek..di proyek masak gak item?he..hee..emang proyek harus orangnya item2...tapi gak papa ding..proyek kan ada 2 unsur,bagian kantor dan lapangan, nha aku di bagian yang kantoran..
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1:00 AM
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